28 August 2017

Bewley’s Employees Gear Up for Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice

 Bewley’s Staff Cycle 500km in 4 days to support Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice!


On Friday September 1st, six Bewley’s employees set off on a 500km cross country cycle to raise much needed funds for Hospices nationwide as part of Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice Together with Bewley’s which takes place on Thursday 14th September. The cycle kicks off on the 1st September in a bid to raise €7,000 for local hospice care and finishes four days later in Dublin.

Over the four days the six strong cycle team will visit seven hospices across the country. The team will leave the newly built Kerry Hospice on Friday 1st with their sights firmly set on their second stop in Milford Hospice, Limerick. Further stops at Cahercalla Hospice in Clare, Galway Hospice and the Offaly Hospice make up their trip before they cycle through Dublin city finishing up with visits to Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services in Harold’s Cross and finally St. Francis’ Hospice in Raheny, Bewley’s own local hospice.

Mark Saunders, Brand Director with Bewley’s said “Bewley’s has been the proud sole sponsor of Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice each year since it first began in 1993.  As an Irish family company originally founded on Quaker principles, the cause, campaign and our very special relationship with Hospice are very much treasured in Bewley’s. Our now annual cycle is a great opportunity for us to not only support the campaign but also visit the local hospices and see first-hand the amazing work both staff and volunteers do and how the funds raised each year are put to great use in providing vital services in all our communities for those who need it most.

With demand for hospice services rising each year we want this year’s coffee morning to be the biggest and best yet! Last year nationwide over 7,000 coffee mornings were held raising over €1.7m.  This year we are hoping to raise over €2m for this vital cause and that’s why we are asking everyone to take a break on Thursday 14th September and enjoy a cup of Bewley’s coffee while raising funds for your local hospice.”

Pat Quinlan, Chair of the Voluntary Hospice Groups said, “Fundraising is vital for our hospices nationwide as this allows us to respond to the growing demand for hospice and homecare services. The annual Bewley’s staff cycle as part of Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice is a great initiative that not only raises much needed funds but also allows the Bewley’s team to visit the local hospices and see how the money raised each year benefits hospices and home cares around Ireland. The team kick off the cycle with a visit to the brand new Kerry Hospice in Tralee which would not have been possible without the support of Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice Together with Bewley’s.”

Check out the video below of Dáithí Ó Sé with the Bewley’s Cycle Team as well as photos from the hospice visits throughout the 500KM journey.



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A Huge THANK YOU to all of our wonderful supporters